Fallout new vegas terminator mod
Fallout new vegas terminator mod

I even dont need to craft weapons and stuff. If I just completed bunch of side quest and 1 or 2 DLC and Im already kinda overpowered. But I want challange in game and there is kinda strange sense. I like combat and gameplay and I also love RPG elements. Get things like JSawyer mod, AWOP, MoMod, and Increased Wasteland Spawns, if you want combat challenge.

fallout new vegas terminator mod

If you really think combat is the important or interesting aspect of New Vegas (it is not, but whatever), then you need to mod the game for challenge, since the difficulty slider only multiplies enemy HP, nothing more. Originally posted by talgaby:The game is not designed to be a shooter and the player character is significantly stronger than any enemy. Yeah, Im playing Fallout 2 now, for the first time, so I know about car which is avalaible there and so on.

fallout new vegas terminator mod

The jsawyer mod might be enough but if not just upping to hard or very hard will add that little bit of extra difficulty you may want. For example the implants adds a bunch of implants you can equip in various slots, but it also makes the implants you get from the Vegas clinic into the same type of upgrades so you can't get all of those as well as the new implants in the mod.Īs for the courier stash, the jsawyer mod puts each pack in a certain location, like for example the vault 13 pack with the armour and water can is put in the crashed highywayman location (same car from fallout 2 and the vault armour and water can is also from fallout 2).Īnd difficulty is hard to say it depends in how you play. And while they add new things, they also make some things harder. Originally posted by psychotron666:Project Nevada all modules besides the rebalance are compatable with jsawyer. Otherwise you have too much of everything just in the beginning. And about courier's stash, tribal pack and gunslinger arsenal - I dont get it, where all this iteams will be located then? I even was thinking to turn ON only one of this DLC to make game more balance. So then I should use it instead of just increasing difficulty?. So I think its enough original implants in the game (Mojave Clinic + Big Empty).īut as you said this mod of Joshua Sawyer can help me. And implants module turn Fallout in kinda Deus Ex. I think rebalance module changes too much. There are aso implants module, rebalance module and armor mdoule BUT i refused to install it because I want play still original NV, modded but still Action-RPG game. Also I wand to admit that I tried Project Nevada Core Module (because of visors and grenade hot key). Made by the main developer Joshua Sawyer meant to be a directors cut of the game, reduces carry weight, reduces starting max hp, changes needs meters in hardcore, redistributes the couriers stash items to places in game that make sense, etc.

fallout new vegas terminator mod fallout new vegas terminator mod

Originally posted by psychotron666:Get the jsawyer mod.

Fallout new vegas terminator mod